Our Trustees
Archbishop Holgate hospital is administered and governed in accordance with the instructions laid out in the will of Robert Holgate.
The Hospital, on a day-to-day basis, is managed by the Master and the Clerk. They are responsible to the Trustees who have overall responsibility to ensure the Trust continues to be used in accordance with the wishes of our founder Archbishop Robert Holgate.
The Board of Trustees is entrusted with the legacy and reflects the Christian foundation of the Trust and its agricultural heritage. Trustees are drawn largely from the local area and the area of benefit. The 12 Trustees are independent volunteers. One of their number is the Rector of Hemsworth who has an ex-officio place. The Board of Trustees is supported by the Clerk to the trustees, Mrs Ann Ullyott and chaired by Mr David Theaker. New Trustees are appointed by the existing members under charity law. They are required to ensure a broad balance of expertise and experience.
The Board of Trustees
Harold Jeff Cooke
Known to all as Jeff and married to Jenny for 57 years they have a son, a daughter and five grandchildren.
His working life was arable agriculture, and he is now semi-retired. Jeff was on the Dun Drainage Commissioners Board for 20 years involved in the functioning of all kinds of waterways from rivers, canals, dykes and field drainage.
Jeff has been a Trustee of Archbishop Holgate Hospital for 35 years following his father, Harold. He brings to the trust astute advice from his years of expertise within farming which is particularly valued for the Trust’s current farming interest and new acquisitions.
His hobbies are watching football, rugby cricket, tennis, golf and snooker,… some of which he has played over the years. He greatly enjoys musical theatre, ballet, good dramas, Strictly Come Dancing and The Chase!
Janet Davies
Janet joined us as a trustee in 2019 and sits on the Education Committee.
Janet has spent 30 years in secondary phase education within West Yorkshire as a Head of Languages with a subject specialism in German. Her commitment to and passion for education continues through the work of the Education Committee of the Trust, which supports schools, academies and students in the local area.
More recently Janet has taken on a volunteer role, helping children with their reading, and as a school Governor at a Wakefield city centre primary school. She also volunteers as a magistrate.
Jane Greaves
Currently working as an Associate Professor and strategic director at Northumbria University.
Jane became a trustee in 2024. Jane is married, has three children and has lived all her life in Northumberland. A member of her local Methodist Church, Jane has for several years been a trustee and member of church council.
Nationally Jane is a trustee and hon treasurer of NCEPOD (National Confidential Enquiry Patient Outcome and Death). As a registered nurse Jane has had many years’ experiences of working in a senior managerial role in Intensive care, Jane has also worked in NHS England and the Department of Health specifically in clinical governance and risk.
Her professional and research interests include a broad portfolio of the rapid detection of acute patient deterioration, particularly in non-acute residential settings, and health inequalities in learning disability and care of the elderly.
Jane also brings her extensive safeguarding knowledge and experience to her role on the Board of the Trust as the Trustee responsible for Safeguarding. She is delighted to be supporting trustees, staff, volunteers, residents and all who are connected with Archbishop Holgate Hospital with her expertise.
Fr Robert Hart
Fr Robert is Rector of St Helen’s Hemsworth, with a population of over 16,000 and has held this post for nearly 20 years. He is an experienced school governor and currently Chair of Governors at St. Helen’s Church of England Primary School. He is dedicated to supporting young people achieve their potential and access their rights to social justice.
Fr Robert graduated with a degree in Computer Science before beginning his theological studies. He has served in the Liverpool, Wakefield and Leeds dioceses. He is a priest The Society and their social media co-ordinator.
He is an ex-officio member of the trustees which he joined in 2006. He is in a unique position as a trustee. His role within the local community, his knowledge and understanding of the charity and leverages his contacts to spread awareness of the hospital.
Roland Hawcroft
Roland is an active member of St Helen’s Church in Hemsworth, one of the parishes in the scheme. He was Chairman of the Trust at Archbishop Holgate Hospital for 14 years resigning in 2021 because of poor health.
He was a butcher by trade taking over the family business in 1980, renowned for his pork pies. Retirement came in 2004 and he busied himself raising money for his church. In 2019 he was recognised for his good services to the community, when he received the Maundy money from Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle.
Roland’s wisdom and notable leadership guided the trust through changing times, and he is now in his 40th year as a trustee. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the trust sees him attending meetings whenever possible.
Robert Hyde – Health and Safety Trustee
Rob is a local resident, member of the Parochial Church Council of Hemsworth Parish Church and the Pontefract Deanery Synod. He became a Trustee in 2010 having had a successful career in teaching, predominantly in local schools.
A strong supporter of the work of the Trust he is a member of the Electors’ panel and also the trustee responsible for Health and Safety across the site.
Rob along with his wife are regular visitors to the community. They support the various social and Chapel events across the year. He knows the residents well ensuring that he is in touch with their needs.
Dominic Mackenzie
Dominic joined the the Board of Trustees in 2020. A solicitor of more than 25 years standing. He has four children.
His hobbies include reading and rugby (league and union, watching not playing). He brings to the Trust his legal experience and expertise.
Anthony Scholey
Anthony join the Board of Trustees at Archbishop Holgate Hospital in 2016
John D.M. Skirrow – Chairman of the Education Committee
John was invited to become a trustee at the hospital 40 years ago. Born in Wakefield, John gained an Honours Degree in Ophthalmic Optics at Bradford University and joined a practice in Hemsworth. He went on to purchase the practice in 1984. John retired in 2010.
John is a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, entitling him among other things to drive his sheep across London Bridge.
A founder member for the Theatre Royal and Opera House restoration group in Wakefield and former chair of the theatre management committee, John has, over the years, developed his own creativity from narrow boat building to pottery.
He has never forgotten his own educational journey. He exercises his keen support for those vulnerable young people seeking to pursue established learning pathways and schools in the local area through his role on the Education Committee.
Neil Smith
Neil joined us as a trustee in 2024. He lives locally and was born in Hemsworth, but has also lived in Nigeria, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates. Neil is married with two children and the family are regular attendees at St Helen’s Church where Neil served as a member of the Parochial Church Council and Honorary Treasurer for over ten years.
Neil has worked in sales, marketing and engineering in the power generation industry for over thirty years, a career which regularly takes him overseas. Neil’s business experience and his role as Treasurer at St Helen’s will support the Trust’s financial and commercial objectives.
Neil has strong interests in education, being qualified to MSc and MBA level, and has volunteered with educational charity Young Enterprise helping local schoolchildren develop employability skills. Neil will use this experience to work with the trust in helping young people from the local area make the most of their educational and training opportunities
David Theaker – Trust Chairman
David has been a trustee since 2005. He followed in his father’s footsteps, who was a trustee from 1978 until his death in 2009,
He was elected Chairman of the Trustees on the retirement of Roland Hawcroft from the chair in 2021.
After graduating, in 1983, from Newcastle University with a degree in Agriculture and economics and a spell in Australia, he returned to the family business at Avenue Farm, Brierley. He has resided there ever since, running the arable farming enterprise.
Married to Janie, they have three adult children, all of whom have now left home. In what little spare time there is he enjoys cycling , walking and sailing.
He is very active at AHH, apart from overseeing all aspects of the Trust’s activities and responsibilities. He was particularly proud to recruit the first ever female trustee Janet Davies a few years ago. He takes particular interest in the agricultural investments the trust owns. He is a strong believer in tertiary education and an active member of the education committee.
Anthony Blaza
Anthony joined the Trust in
Trustees Responsibilities
The Trustees are responsible for preparing the Trustees Report, which incorporates the Strategic Report, and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
Company law requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP).
Under company law the Trustees must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the group and charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources, including the income and expenditure, of the group for that period.
In preparing these financial statements, the Trustees are required to:
- Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently.
- Make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent.
- State whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements.
- Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business.
- The Trustees are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the charity’s transactions. They must disclose with reasonable accuracy, at any time, the financial position of the charity and ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006.
- They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.