Education and Grants

The Education Foundation of

Archbishop Holgate

The Legacy of Robert Holgate who was Archbishop of York from 1545 to 1553 lives on today in a number of charitable trusts. He was born in Hemsworth and decreed in his will that Almshouses should be built to provide for persons aged 60 years or over, who are in need of financial assistance, and are resident in the area of benefit from the ancient parishes in and around Hemsworth. 

In more recent times in the spirit of the will of Robert Holgate,  it was the Trustees decision to establish the Education Foundation to provide grants. The Education Foundation of Archbishop Holgate is a committee of the main charity which is governed by the rules laid down by the Charity Commission. The Education Foundation of Archbishop Holgate runs alongside the main charity offering financial assistance for educational purposes. Grants are awarded from the charity, which meet the criteria for funding.



There are 3 grants awarded






This Christian vision of the Hospital resonates with British Values which lie at the heart of the rule of law and education in Great Britain today,  the will of Archbishop Robert Holgate and the quote from the book of proverbs; One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed’. This underpins the work of the Trustees and The Education Foundation of Archbishop Holgate.

Inside hospital education and grants

The Boardroom