Who we are

‘The 27th day of April in the year of our Lord God 1555 I Robert Holgate alias Halgate Doctor of Divinity and late Archbishop of York, sick in body and whole of mind thanked be God, make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following;’

Archbishop of York, Robert Holgate’s will left clear instructions, for the establishment of, a Christian community for those in need.

‘And that the Master thereof shall be a Clerk and within the holy order of priesthood at such time as he shall be thereto nominated or appointed & shall be nominated & made perfect Master of the said Hospital by the gift and grant of mine Executors’

The Will

To this day the Master is always a member of the clergy. There is a Board of Trustees who oversee the maintenance of the property and alongside the Master, interview prospective residents. One of the Trustees is Ex-officio and Parish Priest of the St. Helen’s Hemsworth.

‘…two years after my decease found erect or make or cause to be founded erected made and incorporated one hospital of one Master and Twenty Brethren & Sisters in Hemsworth in the said county of York to continue for ever,’

The Archbishop Holgate Hospital provides, independent, supported living amid buildings which celebrate 19th Century design. At the heart of the Hospital’s Grade 2 listed buildings is the commanding Holy Cross Chapel and here services are held which the residents, the Brothers and Sisters, attend throughout the week.

Picture of Holy Cross Chapel

‘And I will that my Executors shall build and make within two years after my death a sufficient house and lodging for the Master of the said Hospital to dwell in and a long house with so many several partitions as will serve the said Brethren and Sisters for their cohabitation & dwelling in the same Hospital;’

Our vision today for the election of Brothers and Sisters

Many of our residents move to the Archbishop Holgate Hospital from housing which no longer meets their needs of security and ease of community. They wish to continue to live independently but with a greater measure of companionship and shelter. At the Hospital, every resident has his or her own front door and the freedom to come and go at will, but with support on hand when required.

Those who wish to apply and are eligible are defined by Robert Holgate’s will and procedures to be followed by the Electors on the Assessment Panel are contained within the Scheme. This also defines the Parishes from which perspective Brothers and Sisters should preferably come and sets out other eligibility criteria. 

Once applications are received, and if there are vacancies, the process of meeting with the Master and an initial visit takes place. The application is then explored by the Hospital Assessment Panel where the final decision is reached.